Why Borehole Surveys Are Essential
Testing is the backbone of science. If we want to know something, we run a few tests first and collect data to determine if further testing and experimenting is necessary or simply a waste of time. This is not restricted to the realm of theoretical science – we test and try out things in our everyday lives all the time to find out if we like something or not, or if we should proceed with a certain course of action. The collection of data is essential – we cannot formulate a theory or produce a definitive report if we do not have the data and factual information to back up what we say.
Borehole surveys are one such form of testing and are conducted to determine the viability or suitability of a site for borehole drilling. Such surveys can produce a lot of essential technical and geographical information that can either advance a drilling project or halt it completely. This article will examine some of the methods used in borehole surveys and why the entire process is essential before a drill even begins.
What Kind of Information Is Collected During Borehole Surveys?
The best place to start is the beginning. This is true for almost any project or endeavor, with boreholes being no exception. Before a drilling project can commence, the project overseer in charge of collecting the data needs to decide which equipment needs to be used, why it needs to be used (to manage overages), and how it will be used (in other words, the logistical side of the project). These queries are done for a number of reasons, but the main one is to ensure that the correct equipment is used. It would not make sense for a company to haul their biggest trucks and drills to a site, only to find out the site is in a tiny backyard with no way to access it.
The viability of a site is essential. As a precursor to any borehole surveys that need to be conducted, the project manager will need to determine if drilling is even possible at a site. There are many reasons why it would not be feasible, such as city-specific bylaws relating to drilling, unreliable information on groundwater availability, or unstable soil and geological formations. Laws and bylaws can usually be accessed quite easily, so it is not unusual for project overseers to collect the relevant information online or by making a few calls. Some municipalities require site inspections to be carried out before and during borehole surveys to ensure the safety of both the site and the crew.
Once the above details have been ironed out, the next step is to conduct the main portion of the assessment. This is done in the form of geotechnical data collection, which entails obtaining core samples to test the soil, bedrock, and the water quality of groundwater, as well as using ground-penetrating radar to get a glance at underground rock formations and find potential aquifer locations.
How Do I Get Started?
If you need to conduct this kind of survey, or if you want to know more about it and why it is essential, click here to get in touch with us or to book an appointment.