Exploration Drilling, Management, Resources & Reserves

The competitive world of exploration drilling is constantly evolving and in order to secure involvement, extraordinary commitment is required. Our aim at Inyati Group is to lead by virtue and management, and to develop conceptual models for resources and reserve targets of an ever refined level of exploration drilling and service excellence.

Exploration Drilling for Mineral Resources & Reserves

Exploration drilling is a procedure in which several test holes are drilled for the purpose of evaluating the contents of the ground in a particular area. One common reason for exploration drilling is in mineral exploration, conducted to discover whether or not mineral resources and reserves of value are present, and to assess the quality of those resources and reserves. Mineral resources are defined as natural concentrations of minerals or, bodies of rock that are, or may become, of potential economic interest due to their inherent properties. Mineral reserves are defined as resources known to be economically feasible for extraction – reserves are either probable reserves or proven reserves.

Once a potential site is identified, exploration drilling can be used to determine whether or not the site has materials of interest, ranging from metal ores to diamonds and coal, and to assess the quality and quantity of these mineral resources.

Once the value of the site is confirmed, additional holes can be drilled so more about the quality of the site, its resources and reserves can be evaluated to determine whether exploiting the site for its resources will generate profits, which outweigh the costs of drilling and the on-going costs of maintaining the site once it is active. A site with potentially poor yields could be too costly to invest in, leading the company to pull out.

Exploration Drilling Management

The Inyati Group drilling management team strives to develop conceptual models for mineral targets. Our exploration management team progressively and continuously strives to improve our services to ensure you receive the best value for money in the competitive world of exploration. The key to successful exploration is optimising the balance between risk, reward and management. We at Inyati Group make every effort to maintain this balance in favour of the economic success of our clients. Our business approach to exploration therefore underlines the fact that the scientific/technical aspects of exploration must be fast, efficient and effective in order to add value to a project to minimise costs and time.  The Inyati Group is effective in designing and implementing exploration programmes using a multi-disciplinary approach, which may include:Borehole Cleaning - Exploration Drilling

      • Auditing of exploration programmes.
      • Defining controls on ore and identifying high grade material.
      • Exploration risk evaluations.
      • Independent technical consultant report.
      • Planning and management of geophysical and geochemical exploration programmes.
      • Planning drill programmes to effectively test targets.
      • Regional to deposit scale mapping of geology, structure and alteration.
      • The identification and ranking of exploration targets.

The Inyati Group exploration drilling and mining is led by a superior management team that has earned itself a reputation as the industry leaders in the mining industry. Designed with the operator in mind; drilling machines focus on delivering safety, reliability and productivity in every harsh drilling condition, throughout South Africa and neighbouring Countries. If you are looking for a suitable partner then look no further than the Inyati Group.

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